Key West Scuba Diving in June

Hot and calm is a recipe for great diving and snorkeling for those thinking about doing some Key West scuba diving in June. Calm seas offer very good visibility most of the time and water temps in the 80s make June a great month for nice, warm morning dives.

June Weather Outlook
Expect June day time air temps to stay right around 88°F and barely 10 degrees lower at night. Tropical moisture moving up from the south makes June the cloudiest month of the year in Key West and the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy over 50% of the time. Rain is also likely in June, a good thing in the hot weather. Average wind speed drops below 10mph, making for good dive conditions.

June Marine Life
The Mutton Snapper schools will still be moving along the reef during the June full moon period. Look for big pelagics like Barracuda, Kingfish, and Wahoo out around the wrecks.

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